This is the Key To Unlimited Potential | What I Know Now 98

This is it, the key to unlocking unlimited potential. 

In the past couple of months, I've been on a journey trying to find my purpose and get more clarity on what I am meant to do. 

A few days ago, I found the start of that purpose and put it into words for the first time. Since tomorrow is the first day of the new year, it's had me thinking about what I've learned so far and if I could put it into a few words, what would be the single thing that I've learned I need to focus on. 

That one single thing is character. 

I've learned that building a good character is the most important thing I can be doing to improving my own life and those around me. Though the word seems to be fairly simple in itself, I believe it holds a lot of the answers to building a long-lasting and sustaining life. My two favorite books I've read this month were 'Thou Shall Prosper' by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' and both of these boils down to building a good character. 

I was a little disappointed. I was hoping there was some secret that not everyone knew about that would unlock new worlds. However, after mulling this idea around more, it's really opened my eyes to many reasons people do what they do and that everyone is at different levels and ladders. There is no 'secret to life.' It's all out in the open, free to take, but it's the understanding of what is out there that makes the difference. 

I wanted to make that big difference, impacting many people, but I didn't realize to impact many people, I must impact those I can first. This is it, this, here and now, this moment, this is it. This what I am asked about; this is 'the big battle' I am judged for my current actions. I'm getting caught up in waiting for the big battle, getting prepared for life, when life is this, right here and now. 

Key takeaways:

1) The single biggest thing I've learned about life is developing my character.

2) There is no big secret to life, it's out in the open for all to see, but understanding it is what makes the difference

3) This is it, this moment, right here, right now, this is the big battle, it's what you're doing in this very moment that matters.