My Video Challenge Experience | What I Know Now 100

This is the final video of this challenge, the 100th post; everyone unique and challenging. 

It has been quite an experience, and I'm a little sad to have concluded this project. It's been beneficial in increasing my public speaking skills, as well as my own personal development. 

Through this process, I've had to think through a lot more of what I was speaking about. I couldn't just dump what was in my head into words as it wouldn't make any sense to anyone reading or watching it. Comparing to my first video, there is quite a dramatic difference. My confidence speaking, my use of filler words and my wandering speech took away from what I wanted to get across. I am by no means perfect where I am now, but I've made significant strides in improving my verbal and mental thought processes.

I am certain that teaching others what I've learned will be part of my future, and building a database of where I am now will help me better understand someone else who is at my same level and what I am thinking about. I started this whole series out on the premise of following others because it was easier than re-inventing the wheel and leaving it, realizing that I was missing the forest for the trees. The purpose was to know what it was for, building my character, and, most of all, serving God. 

Throughout making these videos, I've had to move things around in my schedule and work through periods of lack of motivation. I've tried to say everything within a minute to develop my concise speaking skill. I've refined my process for coming up with ideas, tested dressing formally, speaking confidently, my pre-video preparation, and challenging myself on things I formerly took for granted. 

I may continue making more of these posts as it's a very convenient spot to park my ideas and passively grow my speaking skills.