Morning Routines | What I Know Now 3

I really started to get interested in the high-performance world was when I got turned on to Brendon Bruchard. 

One of the major key things I got from him and absolutely caught my attention was his consistency in showing up every day, always moving forward, and not having big ruts. 

He figured out how to plan out your life in such a way that keeps you always going, living every moment intentionally, and enjoying time with loved ones without the stress of work or education getting in the way. 

He talks a lot about building regular routines, eating right, and planning your time in blocks throughout the day. I've experimented quite a bit with my own workout regimens and still working on optimizing it. But I've come down to a six-day week morning workout routine run and lift weights each day, one alternating the other for six days, the last thing before I start my day at 6:30 AM. I start each weekday, waking up at 4:30; I get dressed and read from the bible for 15 minutes while sipping my coffee. I then review my 'Life Plan' and plan my day out in a journal, setting my mind on the things coming up in the day to stay focused.

It was definitely difficult waking up every morning at 4:30, but I've found huge benefits from the regular daily routine; I've got a mostly clear mind, I have my blood pumping and heart rate up, and I have my quiet time to gently meditate and read. I really enjoy spending those moments on my own, before the rest of the house gets up, just being in the moment and not ruminating on stresses in life. 

I'm still a beginner in building my mornings, and I know I will make many changes as I go! I by no means have a perfect routine, and I am not as 'present' as I would like to be. I also have a hard time sticking to my plans for the day, except when involved with other individuals.

Brendon Burchard, someone I look up to and has been the backbone of much of my learning in the high-performance world!