Machinist Apprentice | Skateboard Parts Second Operation Setup | Day 69

Working on the second operation for these skateboard parts and getting it all set up to run. 

For the second op, I had an interesting setup with how I held the part in the vice because I only had access to thin parallels of the right height, I had to space them out from the walls of the jaws. If I had them flush up against them, the part wouldn't sit perfectly flat due to the slight radius on the edge of the flat. 

Another issue I ran into was setting the tool height on the second set operation. Because the part is on parallels, I hand no "known" height in my CAM software because the face was uncut and so had an undefined distance between it and the flat of the part. The solution was first to deck the top surface of the part upsidedown, then measure the thickness of the remaining stock and offsetting the origin in Fusion360 to match the same height. 

The last thing I need to do is find the origin, which is as simple as putting a gauge pin in the existing hole and sweeping it with a dial indicator. With the known height and origin, I set up a hard stop on one end of the part to allow for repeatability without having to sweep the pin on each swap out of parts. 

I love how easy it is to set the work origin in fusion360, and using sketch geometry makes it easy to create quick boundaries and location points.