Running through these new plate parts that came in the other day!
Super basic pieces with only a few complicated hole features on the sides of the parts that I'll machine out on the 5-axis. There are hardly any tolerance requirements to speak of, so I was able to quickly program and get them milled out very quickly. I took 0.02" stepdowns with 0.008" on the walls that I cleaned up at the final depth for the contour. I'm able to contour each of these parts completely using double stick tape on the fixture plate (see the previous post) and require almost no cleanup afterward!
For locating each piece of stock, I have pins set up in the fixture plate that I can push the aluminum up against. I don't have a ton of stock on these parts' sidewalls, so I'm amazed by the pin locating method's repeatability and accuracy!
I'm quite pleased with the results I'm getting, and I've only got one more piece before I'm finished with this set!
A new contract came in for a small Delrin piece, fairly basic, though it will require some interesting angles to get all the features. My boss made a simple podium fixture plate I'll be using on the 5-axis where I can double stick down the delrin stock onto!