Machinist Apprentice | Dovetails | Day 73

Machined my first dovetails today and started working the 5-axis program!

Cutting the dovetails was more challenging and easier than I anticipated. I wasn't entirely sure about the concept behind cutting them and how critical the depth was on it (basically how far to cut) and so took a bit longer working on that. I used a simple decking of the top, then a 2D contouring toolpath to trace the inner line of the drawn dovetail and left a little stock-to-leave if the first run didn't fit. I underestimated how much material I would need to remove and took my time creeping up on the right number, two thou at a time. Once the program was proven, I tossed the rest of the stock in the machine and finished the set. All in all, it took about 45 minutes to do from scratch, and the program run time was 90 seconds per part (had the dovetail repeat the finishing pass to remove any burrs).