Home Workspace | Tool Organization | Pocket NC

I haven't had too much time to work on the Pocket NC today, but I did want to get one thing done. And that is better organization, I would continuously have tools floating around my workspace and would often lose them. 

I saw a video by @saundersmachineworks, where he showed all his systems for organizing his tools using Kaizen foam. He's got a fantastic system, and I highly suggest watching it ("Ultimate Machine Shop Toolbox & Organization" on youtube). The basic idea is to lay your tools out on a piece of foam, then outline and cut out groves to fit each one snugly; this allows you to quickly look over and make sure you have all your tools in place and helps with putting them back in their proper spots. 

For mine, I've got calipers, both clamps, the setup Allen wrenches, a few files, the collets, and the metric screws that came with the Pocket NC. I also stopped by Wayne's shop (local machinist), and he graciously gave me an ER11 3/16" collet after talking to him about my difficulties with the 1/4" tooling.