Track Your Performance - High-Performance Planner | What I Know Now 74

Throughout my journey, I've come to realize the importance of tracking your performance.

Several months ago, I picked up my first high-performance journal put out by Brendon Burchard; this journal has you constantly reviewing your performance every single day with a few questions and rating systems. Through this process, I can quickly evaluate where my attention is going and realign it if necessary. It also helps me see how far I've come. 

I'll occasionally go back to look at what I worked on a few weeks or months past, and I shock myself at how far I'd come. I can also identify some of the same problems I dealt with then and do now and record how I felt and performed. This assists me in assessing the problems and coming to a solution. 

It's sometimes difficult to get up the effort to sit down and journal at the end of the day, but I will want to know what I went through and my thought process in the future. It's a worthwhile investment and will allow me to understand better how to teach these same ideas and concepts to others going through the same. I am giving my future self a gift, and I find it quite amusing!

Key takeaways:

1) Journaling helps you evaluate your performance

2) Learning what you felt and acted will help you overcome challenges

3) Having a track record of what you've done will enable you to understand someone going through the same later on