Become More Professional By Being Predictable | What I Know Now 66

One of the new things I learned from Rabbi Daniel Lapin's book 'Thou Shall Prosper' is becoming more professional. 

He talks about becoming a professional by acting predictably. This really caught my attention as it wasn't what you'd normally hear when you ask someone what makes a person professional. 

By being stable and consistent in how we act in each scenario, we position ourselves as someone professional. We aren't rattled by the things that happen around us but are steadfast through it. He talks about when we become predictable in our performance; you greatly enhance our value to others. People greatly prefer normal to the alien. Un-predictability creates anxiety as the outcome is uncertain.

'If you really are to succeed in business, it won’t be because people think you are smart; it will be because people like you.'

Key takeaways:

1) Become more professional by being predictable

2) People prefer normal to the alien

3) Being un-predictable creates anxiety