Be Interesting By Being Interested | What I Know Now 24

Countless times I hear the phrase "to be interesting, you need to be interested" basically, to show others that you are an interesting guy, you need to show interest in other people.

I find you can apply this same concept to becoming someone that your ideal boss wants to hire. 

Being a teen, I'm at a pretty big disadvantage when it comes to experience, so I have to make it up in other ways. One of those is being interesting in being interested. Interested in the work or industry that I want to get into. You can do this in many ways, but I've found when it comes to online and writing about what you're doing, there are a ton of things you can do to share that you're different from the average joe shmoe. 

Writing engaging content isn't always easy, but I've found that if you're truly interested in the subject you're writing about, the interest comes along with it. However, there are those times where you read back what you wrote, and you feel like you're reading a dull essay, and there are just facts. That's not engaging, and I can tell you now, I'm not going to read it. Write something that you personally would be interested in reading. Coming at it from that standpoint, you can share with the younger self all the things that you know now in a way that would capture your own attention. 

Your boss doesn't want to hire a robot, so share emotions, humor, along with the details of the work!

Key takeaways:

1) Be interesting by being interested 

2) Overcome in-experience with a genuine interest in the work you do

3) Share your learning in a way your younger self wished he could have found just hours before