Appear On Podcasts With These 6 Tips | PDF Download

I've been having similar conversations with many different people talking about wanting to appear as a guest on a series of podcasts they've chosen. But the problem is, how do you go about crafting a message to them that actually gets results?

I've interviewed a dozen podcast hosts to find out what they would want to hear from potential guests in a cold email and found there are quite a few common threads among them. Realizing I may have hit upon something that might be helpful, I decided to put together a summarized version in form of a guide to crafting a message to podcast hosts to appear on their show!

The number one most common thread among the hosts was that of how they were treated. They get messages all the time from people asking to appear on their show, but most of them go unanswered because of the one-sided nature they write in. I go into it more into the PDF and how you can combat it!

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Appear On Podcasts With These 6 Tips