Finishing up the last few kits from the first batch of anodized pieces!
I found a solution to the height issues I was having previously and found I accidentally left no stock on the top face that would be surfaced. On top of this, when I initially put the stock in the fixture plate, I didn't make sure it was completely flat, and so one side was lifted, which was unnoticeable until you run the 3rd and 4th operations.
One of the final steps for this project, before I can run the remaining 80, is putting together an instruction manual on how to assemble the kit. I decided to do it all digital, so I would highlight specific areas with more ease and not have to worry about background noise in pictures. I'm taking advantage of the rendering capabilities in Fusion360 to isolate and get decent images of each component of the rocket, which works really well for the step-by-step process!
One of my goals with this instruction card is to be as simple as I can. Using as few words, diagrams, and added elements as possible. I'm still in the process, but nearly complete, and using Canva's wide range of free icons to create a simple and clean how-to!
I'm not super pleased with the first diagram due to how much is in the image and may blur the background a bit more to highlight the pliers. Other than that, I'm delighted with the outcome so far and greatly enjoyed the process of making it!